Overview Of Magento – The SEO Perspective

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CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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Overview Of Magento

Quick summary

Magento is one of the most popular open source software that is used as an e-commerce solution by many different companies around the world. It also happens to extremely search engine friendly which works in favour of the business since it is a highly competitive world out there. Magento allows you to configure options pertaining to the SEO of the website so that they can be tweaked to perfection.

We are an SEO Company in India and we have had a good record of providing the best SEO Services in India. The tips mentioned in the article will surely help you get noticed on a platform like Magento. Magento is highly customizable and thus it offers a high level of easiness when it compares to making necessary changes with SEO perspective.

Here are a few tips on how to get SEO right.

Getting the keyword right:

Choosing the right keyword may seem quite straightforward but there is more to it than meets the eye. Several factors need to be considered for the keyword, like who is your potential audience and what keyword do you expect them to use when searching for a product that you happen to have. There are also several tools available to ease the process.

Website content:

The first task for website content is to make a list of the unique or special qualities of your product. The next step would be to make the content using keywords that highlight the unique and special qualities of the product.

Welcome Page:

The first page is what most visitors use to judge the website and figure out if it is of importance to them. This page can either make or break your website. Hence the ideal way to design this is by including information on what your website is all about and making it easy to view. At the same time, it is a good idea to keep the content to a minimum on the first page.

A brief look at the SEO features in Magento:

Server URL rewrite:

Magento development gives you the ability to remove the always present "index.php" from the URL and thus making the URLs easier and simpler. This can be done by simply enabling server URL rewrite from the System Configuration in the Admin panel.

Default robots:

It is also easy to set up your website for the robots so that it will be indexed. This setting is also possible from the Admin panel in the System Configuration options. It needs to be set to 'Index, Follow' to be effective.


The SEO tips and techniques mentioned above are only a basic introduction to the feature-rich Magento e-commerce software. Making sure a new website attracts many new customers is not the easiest task in the world however Magento does make it easier. At times business spends a fortune on their website development but ignore the SEO part. With Magento, you are covered since it allows you to optimize it for the search engines to a greater extent.

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