A Helpful Mobile Application Focused on Fishing Activity Problem Statement

The client wants an application, which would help them get essential information about fishing that could help them improve the fish yield from each fishing trip. The client required a mobile app to furnish real-time information about living environment, weather, location, etc.

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Home /Helpful Mobile Application Focused on Fishing Actvity

Challenges While Implementation

One of the key challenges was to manage the huge amount of data in gigabytes flowing in per hour. There were issues related to managing GMAP and geo-location algorithms for calculating FSI, as it was essential to track the data about whether the fisherman and fish availability were on the same water body.

customer review

Customer Overview

The mobile application needs to provide comprehensive details on a wide range of parameters. These include data feeds about the physical conditions such as temperature, level, flow and turbidity of water, precipitation type and amount, fish species, atmospheric pressure, cloud cover, historical and real-time water and weather conditions, etc. and all other data that helps the client to enhance their fishing operations and yield. The app should also allow users to store fishing trip information.

Ais Technolabs

AIS Technolabs developed a mobile application that allows the client to significantly improve the productivity of their fishing trips. The app permits capturing fish photos, getting real-time data about weather, the physical conditions of water, fish availability, location tracking, and other parameters. The mobile app also helps users store fishing trip information, and plan fishing trips, among other features.

AIS technolabs
positive overview

Positive Outcome

The mobile fishing app developed by AIS Technolabs is beneficial not only for fishing companies but also for fishermen. The app can be used to plan fishing trips in a way to increase the success rates. The wide user acceptance and satisfaction with the app also helped the client improve revenue generation.

Customer Success Stories
